Title: Awaken (Spiral of Bliss #3)
Author: Nina Lane
Genre: Contemporary Romance 18+
Publication Date: January 7, 2014
Cover Design: Victoria Colotta of VMC Art & Design
Event Organized By: Literati Author Services, Inc.
My Review
5+++++ beautiful, exquisitely written stars!!
Spiral Bliss is by far one of my favorite series of all time. From the very beginning of Dean and Liv's journey in Arouse and then Allure and now, with Awaken, I have been rooting for this couple. I laughed and cried with them through this journey. And now, their story has finally come full circle.
Awaken is exquisitely written in both Liv and Dean's point of view. Everything was well executed and the book captured and held my attention from beginning until the end. I didn't want to put the book down. I didn't want it to end. On the one hand, I'm glad Dean and Liv are finally at a secure place in their relationship without any external threats. But on the other hand, I'm sad because this series is ending.

Awaken immediately picks up where Allure left off, with Dean in Italy to supervise an archeological dig and Liv in Mirror Lake. They both hated the separation, Dean especially. With the threats to his career still looming, he's helpless to do anything. He's frustrated that he can't be there to protect Liv.
Liv hated the separation too but she knew that for them to survive the threats to their marriage, she has to learn to stand up for herself and protect her husband in the process. Furthermore, Liv also needed to confront the ghost of her past and move on. And boy, did she. I was so happy for her. She came full circle in this book. She was no longer the scared and insecure girl that we met in Arouse but a confident and assertive young woman ready to fight for her husband.
I was amazed at how much her character has grown during this series, especially in this book. She was the one who protected Dean and really made a conscious decision to assert herself. I was fist-pumping, saying to my Kindle, "You go, girl," every time she stood her ground, whether it was with Dean, her business, her family. It was awesome to finally see her take charge.
“I can think of a thousand reasons to say no,” he says.
“Me too.” I press a hand to my chest and close my eyes.
“But if we look hard enough, we can always find a reason to say no. We can always find a reason to be afraid. So maybe it’s time to stop looking and see what finds us instead.”
Dean was his usual charming self. There are not enough words to describe how wonderful a hero Dean is. His love for Liv and his passion for her, not just physically, but emotionally as well, was palpable. It was just wonderful to read about a hero who is just so in love with his wife and would really do anything, even sacrifice his own career, just to protect her. He is just amazing.
“You’re beautiful. You’re my wish come true.”
I just love, love this couple. Their relationship is intense, passionate, vulnerable and as a reader, you just can't help but cheer for them. When I was reading this book, I felt like I knew these people. And seriously, I want to hurt those who wanted to hurt them in this book. And trust me, there are a lot of people who wanted to hurt them, their careers, their marriage. And if trust me again, you'd want to hurt those people too for causing so much misery and heartbreak for both Dean and Liv.

And I would remiss if I don't mention that this book is HOT. Like scorching, melt-your-panties, HOT. Dean and Liv have this explosive chemistry and Nina Lane can write a sexy scene like nobody's business. There are a lot of smexy times in this book but let me assure you that each of those smexy scenes were fabulously written and add so much to really knowing what Dean and Liv's relationship is like.
One surprising thing about this book for me was the humor. I just loved that Dean and Live, despite the things that they're going through, when they are together, can actually laugh and be silly with each other. It's refreshing to read that. Some of my fave quotes and funniest moments really came from scenes where Dean and Live were being silly, playful and sweet to each other.
“You know I love you like a bee loves honey.”*sigh*
“You know I can’t wait to pollinate your flower.” I chuckle.
“It’s been a while since you have, huh?”
“Way too long, baby.”
I could talk all day about this book. I just loved it that much. It's unforgettable and truly amazing. Read this series, people.
Purchase Links: Amazon US | Barnes & Noble| KOBO | iTunes
Purchase Links: Amazon US| Barnes & Noble| KOBO | iTunes
About the Author
USA Today bestselling author Nina Lane writes hot, sexy romances and spicy erotica. Originally from California, she loves traveling and thinks St. Petersburg, Russia is a city everyone should visit at least once. Nina also spent many years in graduate school studying art history and library sciences.
Although she would go back for another degree if she could because she's that much of a bookworm, she now lives the happy life of a full-time writer. Nina's novel The Erotic Dark hit #1 on Amazon's Erotica Bestseller list, and Allure is a USA Today Bestseller.Tour-Wide Giveaway